Contact Us


AUS 02 8324 1407


REET (Real Estate Education & Training)

WTL Building Level 4
Suite 408/83 York Street, Sydney

NSW 2000

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Common Questions & Answers

How long do I have to complete the courses?

This will depend on the course that you undertake. Generally, a full qualification can take up to 2 years to complete and as such we allow 2 years for both Certificate IV and Diploma level qualifications. Shorter courses that involve only parts of a qualification to be completed, such as a Certificate of Registration course or an individual unit of competence can be completed much quickly and we allow 6 months as sufficient time to complete these courses.

What If I do not finish in the allotted time frame?

In such cases, a re-enrolment fee equivalent to 40% of the course fee will be levied on students who wish to continue with their studies but have exceeded the given time frame for course completion.

What is the best way to submit my completed assessments/assignment?

If you are doing an Online course then all the work is submitted back through our Student management system. This includes RPL (Recognition of prior learning) evidence that will need to be scanned and uploaded through your student portal. If you are completing an “in class” course and will be submitting work outside of the class room then we prefer you to scan your work and submit to us as pdf documents. We will only accept hard copy work as a last resort.

Are there any other additional costs?

There could be some additional costs with your training if you attend an “in class’ course. Hard copy learning resources are available for purchase but are yours to use and refer to throughout the duration of the course. Soft copy learning materials are provided with our compliments. Once you have completed your course, you may also want to apply to the various Government departments for the relevant Licences or Certificates. These fees will be in addition to your tuition fees and it would be best to check with your relevant authority as to the cost of these application fees. Most fees increase on an annual basis. You should also be aware that terms and conditions between states for the issuing of Licenses and Certificates will vary and may require you to produce a Police record check or other documentation before they will issue you with your Certificate or License. Check with your relevant state authority as to what extra may be required at the time of making your application.

I started my course online but now want to continue my studies “in class”. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible to continue to a classroom environment with a trainer at a later stage if you feel that this will help you to complete your course however a switching fee will apply. In most cases, the switching fee will be the difference between the cost of the “in class” course and the “online” course plus an administration fee of $99. Please contact your trainer as early as possible if you feel the need to switch. Priority is given to new students for all of our “In class” courses and because our classroom courses fill quickly, we need to allocate you a position well in advance.

What currency will my credit card get charged in?

(AUD) Australian dollars and fees and charges will apply. We use Stripe as our payment gateway.

Is there a discount for multiple businesses?

Yes, REET can organise a discount for multiple attendees from the same office. It is best to speak with our course co-ordinator to establish the size and any conditions around the discount that we can offer. Discounts will only apply to group training either in class or within your office. No discounts are offered for online training.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Please refer to our refund policy which is accessible from the “About us” page.